Quarterly Newsletter
As I write this we’re fast approaching another presidential election. It was hard to imagine this election could be more explosive and divisive than Trump vs. Clinton four years ago but we’ve managed to do that. Well done America. Layer that on top of the pandemic, racial unrest, protests across the country, violence in our major cities and the President contracting Covid, and there’s no doubt this will go down as one of the most significant times in American history.
I hope Q3 was good for you personally and professionally. As my old boss used to say, “I hope you’re three quarters of the way towards meeting your professional and personal goals.” Let’s hope Q4 will be the best of 2020 and that things will only look up going into 2021.
What’s Influence PEOPLE all about?
- Why – Help you enjoy more professional success and personal happiness.
- How – Teach you the science of ethical influence.
- What – Speak, write, train, coach and consult.
- Who – Clients are primarily leaders, salespeople, business coaches and attorneys.
On a professional level the quarter was very good. I worked with Grange Insurance, Westfield Insurance, Indiana Farmers Insurance, Acuity Insurance and Burkhart Insurance Agency, in addition to writing articles and appearing on lots of podcasts. Personally, I will remember this timeframe because my father passed away unexpectedly. But, despite his passing I’m doing well because we ended in a good place.
Here’s What’s New
Blog Posts
As noted above, my father passed away somewhat unexpectedly in September. Writing helps me process my thoughts and there’s a lot to process with the passing of a parent so I shared what I was going through with readers. I’m glad I did because I had so many comments and emails as a result. It prompted many people to remember a lost loved one and others said they would be talking to or writing a parent. It felt good to know I helped in some way. If you missed either post here they are: Fathers and Sons – It’s Complicated and A Final Remembrance, Finally Clarity.
I continue to be a guest on lots of podcasts. A dozen shows went live during the quarter and I’ve hash tagged each show with #Influence, #Sales, #HR, #Marketing, etc., to help you locate those that are most relevant for you. Click here to find a show that interests you.
I’m putting the finishing touches on book #2. Persuasive Selling is geared towards people in the insurance industry and should be available on Amazon by year-end. It looks at the application of the principles of influence throughout the sales cycle and how to apply the psychology to different personality styles. The book is the basis of a one day workshop by the same name. If your organization is interested in learning more about the workshop reach out to me.
Best of…
Looking for interesting, relevant content? Given the state of society and the economy, I believe sharpening your skills is more important than ever going forward. If things don’t go back to pre-covid status only the best people and organizations will succeed. Below are great books to read, podcasts to listen to, and shows to watch.
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin Dianglelo. Given all that’s going on in the United States when it comes to race relations I decided to pick up this book. It’s highly controversial but rather than listen to what others have to say about it I felt I needed to read it and form my own opinions. I found myself agreeing with Diangelo on many things and vehemently disagreeing with her on certain viewpoints. But, I feel good that I’m forming my own opinion rather than simply listening to others. I encourage you to read the book because it will help you understand the current state of race relations in a different way.
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D. I’m in a book club with several friends and this was our August selection. I was especially intrigued by the parts that looked at PTSD for Vietnam vets. My father served in the Marines during Vietnam so I felt like I gained insights into him as I read the book. The basic premise is traumatic events impact us and quite often it does so in places our conscious mind cannot access. We see the results in the behaviors the come forth. For example, I used to look at some art and think, “That person must be really whacked!” Now I understand their art allows them to express what they’re feeling. If you or someone you love has been through trauma you need to read this book to understand them and/or yourself better.
Explain this Book to Me is hosted by Joshua Lipstone. He has a unique podcast because he does a series of interviews with authors, going into great depth on their books. We did a six part series of one hour conversations about my book, Influence PEOPLE. If you’re a reader and podcast fan, then this podcast is perfect for you.
Agents Influence Podcast is hosted by Jason Cass. Obviously this one is geared towards insurance agents. Jason brings a ton of energy to his show as he explores all aspects of the agency business. If you’re an insurance agent you need to tune in. If you’re not an agent but you’re part of the insurance industry you’ll gain a lot of useful insights by listening to Jason’s show.
Hacking Your Mind is a short PBS series hosted by Jacob Ward. Each 55 minute episode explores how the human mind works and how some people try to use that understanding to their advantage. You’ll understand how governments try to hack your mind, what’s behind the “us vs. them” mentality, and influence hacks. Robert Cialdini makes a few guest appearances in the series. It’s very well done and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
The Social Dilemma contains interviews with former Silicon Valley insiders. As you watch you’ll learn what many social media companies and other internet companies like Google do with your data and how they oftentimes manipulate your behavior. This is worth watching because we all use the internet and therefore need to be aware of how it affects us. You can catch it on Netflix.
Brian Ahearn, CMCT®, is the Chief Influence Officer at Influence PEOPLE, LLC. An author, international trainer, coach and consultant, he’s one of only 20 people in the world personally trained by Robert Cialdini, Ph.D., the most cited living social psychologist on the planet when it comes to the science of ethical influence.
Brian’s book, Influence PEOPLE: Powerful Everyday Opportunities to Persuade that are Lasting and Ethical, was a top 10 selling Amazon book in several insurance categories, top 50 in sales & selling and was named one of The 100 Best Influence Books of All Time by BookAuthority. His LinkedIn Learning courses on sales and coaching have been viewed by more than 100,000 people around the world!
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[…] my quarterly newsletter last week i mentioned i was finishing my second book. Persuasive selling is intended for insurance […]
[…] my quarterly newsletter last week I mentioned I’m finishing up my second book. Persuasive Selling is written for people […]
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