Quarterly Newsletter

Welcome to 2022! It has to be better than 2020 and 2021…doesn’t it? Yes, it will be! Whether or not our political and societal factions can put their difference aside, no matter what happens next with the pandemic, you and I can make personal choices each day to enhance our lives and the lives of others.

I hope when December 31 rolls around that you can look back on 2022 and say, “It was my best year ever and each year going forward will be even better!” But, to make that happen we have to continue to dedicate ourselves to professional and personal growth. I hope I can be a resource to help you in both areas.



What’s Influence PEOPLE all about?

  •       Why – Help you enjoy more professional success and personal happiness.
  •       How – Teach you the science of ethical influence.
  •       What – Speak, write, train, coach, and consult.
  •       Who – Clients include leaders, salespeople, business coaches, insurance professionals, and attorneys.

Here’s What’s New…


I’m proud – and relieved – to let you know that my third book, The Influencer: Secrets to Success and Happiness, came to fruition in early December. You can get your paperback or Kindle version on Amazon.

The book is a business parable designed to teach you about influence and the positive impact it can have on your life. You’ll learn the personal and professional application of influence as you follow the journey of John Andrews. John is an ordinary person who becomes an extraordinary influencer as he learns lessons from coworkers, mentors, coaches, and many others throughout his life and career.


I added several new shows to my podcasting page during the quarter and recorded quite a few that will appear in the first quarter of the new yearHere are a few episodes you might be interested in:

  • Jason Mefford is a great example of the power of social media. When I was in California several years ago we met in person. He invited me back on Jamming with Jason to talk about professional success and personal happiness as outlined in The Influencer. You’ll meet some of the book characters and people they are based on as you watch and listen to this episode.
  • Jason Cooper invited me back on the show to do a livestream event with the publication of my new book. We had a great time talking about some of the people I based characters on. Click here to check out the LinkedIn Live event.
  • I had a great conversation with David Carothers and Kyle Houck on the The Power Producers Podcast. We talked influence, sales, and insurance. If you’re an insurance producer click here because you don’t want to miss this one!

Best of…

More of my favorites for you to read, listen to, and watch. Some of my choices you might not like or agree with, but I would encourage you to be open minded and give them a chance because they will stretch your thinking and challenge your assumptions.


You Have More Influence than You Think by Vanessa Bohns. I heard Vanessa on the Behavioral Grooves podcast and was immediately drawn to her research. Because you’re reading this newsletter you’re obviously interested in influence and persuasion. This book will encourage you because Vanessa shows through multiple experiments that you’re more likely to hear “Yes!” when you make a request than you might think. In fact, we’re often twice as successful as we might guess because people don’t like to say no and they generally want to be helpful. Two thumbs up!

Business Model Generation by by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur. I did an in-depth review of this book for a short course I created for Emeritus. The book will help you build, or rethink, your business model. It doesn’t matter how small or large your company may be, given all the change in the world over the last two years, it’s worth the investment of time and effort to work on your business model. What worked in the past may not going forward and, like any living organism, businesses either adapt to the changing environment or die. One last note, the book is visually stunning so get a physical copy.


Armchair Expert is cohosted by Dax Shepard and Monica Padman. I owe a big thanks to my wife Jane for turning me on to this show. She regularly listens to it on her monthly drives to and from Pittsburgh. Dax is funny, smart, and comes across as someone you’d enjoy having dinner with and Monica, a good friend of his, plays off of his persona quite well. The show has a guest list of who’s who in sports, entertainment, and politics. Whether they’re interviewing President Obama, Daniel Kahneman, or Oprah Winfrey, Dax and Monica treat them like regular people and ask the kinds of questions you and I might ask. It’s a fun, informative show you can find on Spotify.

Hidden Brain is hosted by Shankar Vedantam. The website states, “The focus of his reporting is on human behavior and the social sciences, and how research in those fields can get listeners to think about the news in unusual and interesting ways.” I’ve listened for years and can tell you that you’ll hear a variety of guests and topics. Shankar does an excellent job teasing out learning in a story format.


Both of my recommended shows caused a lot of controversy on both sides of the political and social aisles last year. I’m of the opinion, when so many people are talking about something so passionately, I should probably watch/read/listen to for myself so I can make my own assessment. What I’ve come to find out is, most people who have an opinion haven’t watched, read, or listened for themselves. That’s why I read Robin DeAngelo’s White Fragility and Ibram X. Kendi’s How to be an Anti-Racist. I’m glad I watched both of the shows noted below and hope you’ll give them a chance so you can make up your own mind.

The Closer by Dave Chapelle is a Netflix special. Oh boy, did Dave stir the pot! If you are familiar with Chapelle then you know he will be politically incorrect and quite crude at times. He’s equal opportunity when it comes to this, calling out any person or group, to make his point. However, unlike many comedians who resort to crass humor just to get a laugh, Chapelle has a message that runs throughout this show. You make not like or agree with Dave’s message but he’s trying to make a point and comedy is his canvas.

Colin in Black and White by Colin Kaepernick also aired on Netflix late last year. Kaepernick has been in the forefront of American social justice since first taking a knee during the national anthem before an NFL game in 2016. Like Muhammad Ali was in the late 60s and early 70s, Colin is loved and admired by many, and hated and vilified by others. He almost lost me during the opening of the show when he compared the NFL combine to a slave auction. But, I’m glad I was able to set that aside to find out what life was like for him growing up because it shaped his view of society. His experience mirrored some people I know well.

Brian Ahearn

Brian Ahearn is the Chief Influence Officer at Influence PEOPLE, LLC. An author, TEDx speaker, international trainer, coach, and consultant, he’s one of only a dozen people in the world personally trained by Robert Cialdini, Ph.D., the most cited living social psychologist on the science of ethical influence.

Brian’s first book, Influence PEOPLE: Powerful Everyday Opportunities to Persuade that are Lasting and Ethical, was named one of the 100 Best Influence Books of All Time by BookAuthority. His second book, Persuasive Selling for Relationship Driven Insurance Agents, was an Amazon new release bestseller in several categories. His third book, The Influencer: Secrets to Success and Happiness, is now available.

Brian’s LinkedIn Learning courses on persuasive selling and coaching have been viewed by more than 400,000 people around the world.

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