Quarterly Newsletter

3/4ths of the year is behind us! I hope you’re more than 75% of the way to your professional and personal goals. As always, I appreciate you giving me few moments of your time. It was a busy quarter and there’s lots of great information packed into this newsletter.


What is Influence PEOPLE?


The excitement I felt when I stepped out to start Influence PEOPLE full time has only grown. Whether I’m in front of an audience, having coffee with someone, or networking, I feel the same excitement I used to feel whenever I competed in an athletic competition. It’s a great way to start each day. I hope you feel the same for the things you’re involved in.

What’s Influence PEOPLE all about?
Why – Help you enjoy professional success and personal happiness.
How – Teach you the science of ethical influence.
What – Speak, write, train, coach and consult.
Who – Business leaders, sales-people, coaches and attorneys.


Here’s What’s New


Blog Posts

This quarter one blog post stood out from all the others in terms of comments, likes and engagement. I’m Sorryresonated with followers, especially on LinkedIn. We all make mistakes so saying “I’m sorry” is inevidable. Click here to find out what the buzz was all about.



If podcasts are your thing you’ll be glad to know there are lot’s more to choose from! I was a guest on more than a dozen podcasts last quarter. With the new book coming it was a great opportunity to spread the word on how to ethically influence people. Click here to check out some of the shows.


In August my first book went live! Influence PEOPLE: Powerful Everyday Opportunities to Persuade that are Lasting and Ethical is about the practical application of the principles of influence at work and home. The goal is to give you tangible ideas you can use immediately to enjoy more professional success and personal happiness. The book was in the top 10 in Amazon’s Casualty Insurance and Insurance categories and made the top 50 in Sales & Selling. I told people, holding that first book wasn’t quite like holding Abigail when she was born…but it was pretty darn nice. Click here to order your copy.

Linkedin Learning

In September my 4th course with LinkedIn went live. Advanced Selling: Persuading Different Personality Styles combines a DISC type approach with the principles of influence so you can be even more effective when persuading different personalities. For a preview click here.

Best of…


I always appreciate when someone I know personally, or respect as an authority, recommends a product or service. I just feel more confident spending my time or money on something when a friend or expert gives it a thumbs up. I hope you consider me a friend and/or expert and that you’ll take recommendations on the following learning opportunities.

Neuroscience for Learning and Development by Stella Collins. There are so many myths around learning but fortunately we don’t have to rely on “advice” or learn from failure. Now we can lean on science and that’s exactly what Stella has done with this book. I liken this read to a Cialdini approach to learning. If you’re in the learning space, occasionally train people or just do presentations, then pick up this book!

Chasing Excellence by Ben Bergeron. I enjoy books that focus on coaching and given my competitive past in bodybuilding, marathoning and taekwondo, I’m especially drawn to books that focus on athletics. Bergeron coaches some of the top CrossFit athletes in the world. When an athlete gets to an elite level it’s often mindset that makes the difference between winning and losing and that’s what’s explored throughout this book. Even if you’re not an athlete you’ll get a lot out of it.

Closing the Gap is hosted by Chris Cline from Westfield Insurance. This podcast has lots of great information for insurance agents AND small business owners of any type. Chris has a really relaxed, conversational style that’s enjoyable for his guests and listeners.

Sell With A Story is the brainchild of Paul Smith. Paul is the author of several books including Lead with a Story and Sell with a Story. Paul is very inquisitive and asked some questions around ethics and manipulation that I’d not heard before. It stimulated my thinking and I believe it will do the same for you.

The Brain with David Eagleman is a six part documentary that originally aired on PBS. I found it on Amazon Prime. The show explores how the human brain synthesizes information and translates it into reality. IT IS FASCINATING!

The Infitine Game from Simon Sinek. Sinek’s new book by the same name comes out in October. This talk delves into Sinek’s viewpoint that some things – like business and relationships – don’t have an end game or final score. That goes against the grain of much of our conditioning. We want to win, be the biggest, be the best, etc. In sports that works but not so much in business and relationships. Watch this video to get an introduction to this interesting viewpoint.

Brian Ahearn, CMCT

Brian Ahearn, CMCT®, is the Chief Influence Officer at Influence PEOPLE, LLC. An author, international speaker, coach and consultant, he’s one of only 20 people in the world personally trained by Robert Cialdini, Ph.D., the most cited living social psychologist on the planet when it comes to the science of ethical influence.

Brian’s first book – Influence PEOPLE: Powerful Everyday Opportunities to Persuade that are Lasting and Ethical – has been one of the top 10 selling Amazon books in several insurance categories and cracked the top 50 in sales & selling.

Brian’s LinkedIn Learning courses have been viewed by more than 75,000 people around the world! His new course – Advanced Persuasive Selling: Persuading Different Personalities – is available through LinkedIn Learning and Lynda.com.


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