Tag Archive for: golf advice

Drive for Show, Putt for Dough

My wife is a heck of a golfer. She’s the
poster child for the power of golf lessons and practice. About 10 years ago she
was a very average golfer, shooting between 100 and 110. After years of
lessons, practice and consistent play she’s transformed her game to the point
where she consistently shoots in the low 80s and occasionally the upper 70s.
Last year she had a pressure match and had the best round of the year. Her
pressure was playing 18 holes with rock legend Alice Cooper who happens to be a
scratch golfer. That day Cooper shot a 75 and Jane had a season best 78.
Needless to say, he was impressed!
There’s an old saying in golf – “Drive for
show, putt for dough.” Crushing a drive off of the tee is impressive but to be
a great golfer it comes down to play around the green, particularly putting.
That’s so because putting accounts for approximately 40%-50% of a golfer’s
score. For example, a par four hole may be anywhere from 400-475 yards. A good
golfer will reach the green in two shots then most likely take two more strokes
to putt the ball 20-30 feet into the hole.
Persuasion is a lot like putting. It doesn’t
seem like something that should take too much time or practice because it
usually comes at the end of a long process. However, when viewed as critical as
putting, it deserves a tremendous amount of time and attention.
Daniel Pink, author of To Sell is Human, cited a study where more than 7,000
businesspeople were asked how much of their time was spent in non-sales selling
(i.e., persuading). The answer was 40%! That’s right, apart from selling,
businesspeople estimate they spend 40% of their time, or 3.2 hours a day,
trying to persuade other people to do things.
If you spent 40% of your day (or more for
salespeople and leaders) engaged in a particular activity wouldn’t it make
sense to devote time and effort to improving in that area? Of course it would!
Great golfers spend an inordinate amount of
time on the putting green because tournaments are usually won and lost on
crucial putts. If your job requires you to sell, work with
others or work through others, then you’re like the pro golfer. You should be
working on your putting (persuading). 
  • Leaders – Whether you’re a supervisor, manager
    or senior level executive, your success depends on the performance of your
    team. Your ability to get them to buy into your vision and execute it
    enthusiastically is vital to your success.
  • Salespeople – Success for you culminates in a
    “Yes” from prospects and current clients. Understanding how to communicate in a
    way that makes “Yes” come easier and faster will impact your income via
    commissions earned.
  • Not in sales or management – Undoubtedly you
    still need assistance and cooperation. You may need coworkers, suppliers,
    vendors or even your boss to do certain things. Knowing how to ethically
    influence these groups can make your days much, much easier.
  • At home – Life is much nicer and pleasant at
    home when your spouse, roommates, children and neighbors more willingly go
    along with what you propose. 

Whether you’re looking for professional
success or personal happiness, I believe understanding how to ethically
persuade others will go a long way – longer than any drive off the tee – to
help you achieve that success and happiness.
Drive for show but persuade for dough!
Brian Ahearn, CMCT® 
Chief Influence Officer
Helping You Learn to Hear “Yes”.

The 7 Best of the Best

This week’s post is a little different. Rather than going with a new post on Dale Carnegie advice I’m going with “The 7 Best of the Best” for a couple of reasons. First, I have a lot of new readers and I’d like to expose them to some prior posts folks seemed to really enjoy.

Second, with the Thanksgiving holiday I didn’t want to work too hard because it was time to enjoy friends and family. I hope you took time to relax and give thanks too. So here goes, in no particular order, seven interesting influence posts. I hope you find them humorous, entertaining and most important, informative.

Reverse Psychology and the Vacation Bathing Suit
Okay, maybe I wasn’t completely ethical when I tricked Jane into buying the bathing suit I liked for vacation but I think you’ll agree, it’s a funny story.

My Best Parenting Advice
Want your child to be better behaved or smarter? Here’s a great tip to make one, or both, of those happen.

Why Influence is about PEOPLE
Learn about Powerful Everyday Opportunities to Persuade that are Lasting and Ethical.

Fanzese or Frazetta: Do Names Really Matter?
Did Dennis become a dentist because of his name? Did Mary move to Marysville because of the association with her name? Science says it’s very likely.

What Chevy Chase Didn’t Do Before Vacation
Don’t make the mistake Chevy Chase did before vacation and lose business as a result. Find out what you need to do before you leave the office next time. Timely advice with Christmas just around the corner.

“Because I Said So” Mom or Dad
One simple word can make you significantly more persuasive and help you get what you want. Read on and find out…because I said so.

Golf Advice from Corey Pavin
It didn’t matter that I said it first, Jane only paid attention when Corey Pavin said it! Sometimes it’s not what’s said but who says it that really matters.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, thank you to all of you who follow Influence PEOPLE each week. I’m amazed that people in nearly 70 countries have read what I write each week! I enjoy writing this blog and it makes my day when I hear you enjoy reading so if you have comment, click on the comment link below and let me know what you think.

Helping You Learn to Hear “Yes!”

Golf Advice from Corey Pavin

Who would you believe when it comes to golf advice, me or Corey Pavin? When it comes to golf I think my resume is pretty good – I broke 90 a few times and I’ve meet Jack Nicklaus. I’ll grant you Corey Pavin has more room to boast — 1995 U.S. Open Champion and top five finisher in The Masters, The PGA Championship and The British Open. But should that really make a difference?

Here’s the scoop. My wife Jane is BIG time into golf. I joke with people and say the only difference between her and Tiger Woods is nine holes a week…and a really big paycheck! Several years ago I shared something with her that I often share in sales training when we talk about attitude and focus.

When I’m teaching about attitude I ask how many participants play golf and lots of hands go up. Next I ask, “When you come to a hole with water, what do you think?” Inevitably I hear, “Don’t go in the water.” So I ask another question, “Where does your ball usually end up.” You guessed it, “In the water!” Then we talk about the power of focus and how our brains don’t really process the “don’t” in a statement because the brain focuses on the object, which happens to be the water for most golfers. To cure the problem I tell them they have to focus on what they want, which might be, “Go left, aim left.”

This post isn’t about golf so I’ll get to the point. I shared that training tip with Jane one evening and about two weeks later she was reading a golf book I’d gotten her and said, “Listen to what Corey Pavin says…” She proceeded to tell me exactly what I shared two weeks earlier! I said, “I told you that,” but she denied ever hearing that advice come from my lips. “Don’t you remember a couple of weeks ago when I told you about my training class?” A blank stare and more denials from her so I said, “Oh, if I say it, it’s not true but if Corey Pavin says it then it’s true?”

That was a true statement because sometimes it’s not what you say, it’s what people hear. Why did she believe Corey Pavin and forget what I’d said? Because he was an authority, a recognized expert when it comes to golf and I’m not. He and I can say the same thing but people will believe him more because of who he is and what he’s accomplished.

Have you ever come up with an idea and seen it fall flat but then someone else shares it and it’s a success? Don’t feel bad because it happens all the time in business and at home. Sometimes we have to swallow our pride and recognize the idea or message will be received better if it comes from someone else. I believe what goes around comes around and you’ll eventually be recognized for your good ideas and advice but it can take time.

Parents, you can tell your kids to eat their veggies all you want but if Lebron James, Tiger Woods or Tom Brady tells them to eat their veggies, who do you think they’ll listen to more? The sports figures of course.

When our daughter Abigail was little she was a fussy eater like most kids. We could ask her, tell her or threaten her to eat all her food to no avail. But she was always good at the doctor’s office so Jane used to tell her she had the doctor on the phone and he said she better eat all her dinner…and bang, the plate was clean! He was an authority, the doctor, and she knew to listen to him.

Now that Abigail is older and works out with her mom I knew she might not work as hard as she should so I got in touch with an ex-Ohio State football player at the gym. I asked him to have a talk with Abigail and he did so the first day she went to the gym. She sometimes doesn’t listen to mom but she listens to him because he’s an authority in her eyes.

I think you get the point. Sometimes to get what you want you’ll be better off to let the message come from another. In future posts we’ll talk about how to enhance your authority so you won’t have to turn to others.

P.S. Now when I want something I start with “Jane, Corey Pavin says…” Sometimes it works but I think Jane’s on to me.

Helping You Learn to Hear “Yes!”